
Showing posts from December, 2021

Thank you

 I just wanted to say thank you to Professor Santiago for pushing me to be the best I can throughout this class. 


  For the final project of  the class, I was  tasked with making  a 30 second animation with  5 seconds of  credits. While  I really enjoyed this  project, I wish I  had more time to complete  it as I was unable  to finish it all using  rotoscope, so I had to transition in  the middle.  With more time I definitely  would have  been able to fully  rotoscope this animation . As part of the final animation  project for  this class, I was  tasked with making  an original soundtrack  to accompany  the animation . I found a  software named BandLab which is  very similar to GarageBand . While I  know absolutely nothing  about composing  music,  the music loops provided  by the software  helped me out . I look to expand my  knowledge of music  in the future.


  For our ninth project  of the class,  I was tasked with taking  a picture of  myself and transforming  it into  a view of my inner  thoughts.  This project was very  personal for me  because it is a  combination of the  meanings from the  fourth and fifth projects . I always want  to shoot for the  sun with all I do,  but then something comes  around and pulls  me back to earth .


  For the eighth project  of the class,  I was tasked with taking  six different photos  of myself and  combining them  to look like one  photo with six  of me in it. This was  my favorite project  of the class because  it was just pure  joy throughout the  process of masking  and combining  images in  Photoshop. It was  also fun to tell a  little story with just  me. 


  For the seventh project  of the class,  I was tasked with taking  the fifty- millionth photo of myself  and, using masking  and other tools  of Photoshop,  place myself into a scene  from a movie or  TV show (The show  The Boys in my  case). I had a lot of  trouble settling on  an idea and getting  the lighting correct . However,  after that was done this  was another project  that was a blast  to do. 

BW to Color

For the sixth project  of the class , I was tasked  with taking yet  another photo of  myself and use  the tools of photoshop  to make  a mask of  my various features  and turn them  into different colors  using 3 different color palettes . Overall this  project was just  fun and I found out  that lipstick really  doesn’t look good  on me.


  For the fifth project of  the class, I was  tasked with taking  a photo of myself  and, using  Illustrator’s image trace  feature along with  my other skills,  turning the photo into  a poster with a  3 point message.  Unlike the last project  which brought  me back to  my roots, this project  let me “look up  at the stars” and  remind myself of my  inspirations and where  I want to end  up in life.


  For the fourth project  of the class,  I was tasked with writing  a letter to my  future self and,  using Illustrator along  with the words  of the letter,  turn a picture of  myself into a calligram . While I did  find this project challenging , it is one  of my favorites because  it forced me  to look at what I currently  have and how  to make the most  of it instead of having  regrets

Logo, Business Cards, and 3d Objects

  For the second project  of the class,  I was tasked with making  a logo using a  word I would use to  describe myself. I chose  trustworthy because , just like a  triangle, I believe I  have my points but  overall I am the sturdiest  person out  there. This project  introduced me  to Illustrator as  a tool that I can use to  make functional creations  instead of  only colorful pictures . For the third project,  I was tasked with taking  my logo (created in the logo project ) and place it  onto a vertical and  horizontal business  card as  well as onto 3d shapes. This project  furthered my  knowledge of  Illustrator and  built upon the  knowledge base  previously constructed . It also started  giving me an idea of what 2d images on 3d shapes looks like.